Monday, May 18, 2015

Animals in the Garden

It's a new week and a new set of lessons with Mother Goose Time!  Today we learned about moles and crows as we practiced counting, learning sight words and reviewing our colors and shapes.

After reviewing our calendar, we read the included take-home book "What Do You Like?" This formulaic little book helped us work on the sight words LIKE, LITTLE and SAID.  It works out perfectly with three kids, I gave each one a copy of one of the words and had them hold it up as we read their word in the book.  After we read through it, they got to draw a picture of a food they like to eat (Miss M drew grapes, which she eats by the bushel).

We worked on our journals, practicing drawing a diamond shape, which was a little difficult for them.  They've all mastered circles but straight lines and angles are still a little difficult.  I think I'll try and find an art project we can do next time that will help with that.  I also made sure to do the sentence completion task with them today, finishing the sentence "The crow is ______."  I try really hard not to let me personal prejudices against food or animals come out so I didn't say anything negative about crows, which have seemed creepy to me (thanks to the fantasy fiction I read as a child, where they are inevitably harbingers of evil) but Miss M's sentence was "The crow is eating M (her name)." Hmmm, I guess she's just a very intuitive child...

I think the most popular activity of the day was our mole ball run.  We talked about how moles live underground and dig tunnels to get from place to place.  I gave each child two "mole tunnels" and they got to choose where they put them on the wall.  The first run was very straightforward, literally.  The second one I suggested adding a bend to (which necessitated some patchwork to make sure the ball stayed in the tunnel) and they had a blast taking turns putting the ball down the tubes.  I think this will be staying on our wall until Littlest completely destroys it (so, about a day and a half).

We reviewed colors using the included folder game.  Miss M had a very hard time sitting still and following directions so I let her run off some steam while her friends played it, although she did come back periodically for her turn.  It was an opportunity to teach her consequences as she ran off and was skipped more than once.  She did not like that.

During snack they played "Feed the Crow", a version of the game "Don't Eat Pete".  They each took turns turning over a card that either had food or a scarecrow on it.  Once the scarecrow is found, the game is over and each player counts how many food cards they collected.  We also went through all the cards and talked about which foods they would like to eat (corn, berries and pie were favorites) and what they would not want to eat (ants and worms were definitely gross to them, thankfully).

If we had had time, I would have gotten out the IKEA tunnel for them to play in.  Given that it has rained daily for a week and doesn't seem to be stopping any time soon, a mole game may be in the making for some indoor fun.  I'll let you know if I come up with something worth sharing.

If you want to see what other Mother Goose Time Bloggers are doing, check out these links!

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