Friday, June 5, 2015

Cars, Boats and Castles

We are going out of town this weekend and will be spending a lot of time in the car.  I am always nervous about what kinds of things I can bring to keep the girls happy without letting them spend the whole time on a device of some sort.  I started thinking about the folder games included in many of the Mother Goose Time daily units and decided those would be some easy entertainment

Miss M loves the puzzles and tangrams so I the RV/hotel shape puzzle and the tangram set for this month and laminated them, then hot glued ziplock bags to the bag to hold all the pieces.  We are also taking some of the alphabet review games from our Ocean unit and the color worm review from last month.  They all fit pretty well in a gallon bag, although I can't zip it closed so I'm considering whipping up a quick little bag (I have so much scrap fabric and a bag only takes about an hour, if I iron as I go).  I bought an inexpensive cookie sheet with a rim at the grocery store and it fits perfectly across her car seat so she can play without losing pieces.  It's also handy for keeping crayons from rolling everywhere or using as a magnet board with a really fun set of dress up magnet bears she got at Christmas time from my mom.

Besides getting ready for our trip today, we did a few activities from the Houseboat and Castle units.  Both girls had a grand time floating boats and other things in our water table.  We brought ladles to see if we could get the containers to sink but that quickly led to drinking the water and pouring it on the sidewalk to make puddles for splashing in.

We have this fun tunnel and a circus tent from IKEA that made a great castle.  They loved racing through the tunnel into the tent and back out.  Miss M flew our pet dragon in as soon as we finished making him (that was a fun craft for practicing prepositions as we placed the body parts on the bag).  She also liked making the crown and was disappointed that the jewels needed to dry before she could wear it.

I am planning on taking some of next week's units with us on our trip to give Miss M some fun activities to do with her grandparents while they babysit so we can go on a couple nice, long dates.  I think they are perfect for leaving with a babysitter or other caretaker, along with the Dance N Beats DVDs.  Any prep work can be done before you leave and the lessons are so easy to present that you don't need a lot of experience working with children to do it.  I won't be blogging next week but I'll let you know how I went when we get back.

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