Saturday, August 22, 2015

Fun with Bunyan

We had so much fun with our Paul Bunyan tall tales this week.  I love that Littlest is able to participate in these activities; she thinks she's just as big as everyone else and it's pretty easy to help her take part.

We started by reading about Paul Bunyan's birth.  The girls all worked to build a "raft" in the living room and pretended to sleep on it (and then proceeded to roll off into the "water" and have to swim back to the raft--it was great fun).  First, they all wanted their rafts but after experimenting, we found that when we worked together we could make one that was even bigger (and thus, more fun).

We did return to individual rafts to practice our upper and lower case letter identification.  Rather than make a bed for the letter as outlined, they decided it would be more fun to be in bed, too.  I assigned each girl a letter and used the upper and lower case alpha cards from last month's kit.  I shuffled the cards and held one up so the correct Alpha Mommy could claim her baby letter and put it to bed.  Littlest didn't really understand but she liked being given cards to play with like the big girls.

The story pieces are always a huge hit with everyone.  I've been collecting them all week in a big bag and keeping them easily accessible so both girls can play with them anytime they want.  I really need to make a bigger flannel board though.  This one is 12x12; I used one side of a Shutterfly box and hot glued inexpensive felt to it.  It works great but I think I'd like it to be about twice as long.  I'm just waiting for the right box to come from Amazon...

I loved the measuring activity!  Miss M still refers to it when she watches LeapFrog Shapeville Park at lunch and they get to the measuring portion.  We kept it up and both girls walk up and measure themselves periodically (or stuffed animals).  I cut little leaves out of the leftover paper to mark the height of the various objects they chose rather than use the nice big ones in the template.  I'm keeping those to use to mark their height changes over the next few months.

Our second class this week was centered around Babe the Blue Ox.  I did the activities pretty much as outlined except for the art activity.  Instead of paint and paper, we used food coloring in water and paper towels.  The kids got to watch the colors bleed into each other on the paper towels to form green and I had a lot less potential mess to clean up.  It was really fun.  I think I might try a tie dye project using this technique sometime soon (thanks Mom, for the inspiration).

Two other exciting preschool events occurred this week--my September box came with my new circle time display (I'll blog about it specifically next week) and Miss M attended her first open house.  I have her enrolled in a playgroup at the local preschool one day a week to help her broaden her social skill use and she's very excited.  I think it will be a good way to supplement the wonderful curriculum we get to use at home.  She already impressed her teacher when she walked into the room and immediately declared "It's a crescent moon!"while pointing to the stuffed moon hanging over the story area.  Thank you, Mother Goose Time.

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