Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Valentine Fun

I love the holiday party packs that MGT includes.  They make it easy for me to do something fun with the girls and they always love it.  Since we only do school with our friend on Mondays and Wednesdays, we had our party a few days early.

The girls really enjoyed the adapted Indian fairy tale as I was telling it but had even more fun using the story pieces on our world map to tell their own story.  I was about to move them on to the next activity since we have a finite amount of time together but caught myself and let them play themselves out.  They assigned parts (prince and princess) and areas of the globe (by color) then took turns finding the gifts and sharing them with each other.

Next we made the love bug headbands.  I am trying really hard to let them decorate and do their crafts their way, rather than "helping" extensively so they look "cute".  As much as I love Pinterest, I think it has been detrimental in many ways, one of which is making moms think their children have to crank out the most photogenic, adorable crafts that can be proudly shared on social media.  These are scribbled on using various writing tools, stickers are haphazardly placed with no rhyme or reason and the girls couldn't care less.  They were so proud of themselves and wore them for the remainder of the class.  It's a good lesson for me to learn.

I adapted the heart number game a little.  I created a blank board of hearts and cut out numbered ones that we hid around the room.  They are pretty solid on identification so we worked on numerical order instead.  Miss M liked it a lot so I'll be keeping it out.  I may make another board with the numbers for Littlest to use as a matching game.

She's touching her toes.
The Heart Healthy Game was also fun and will be making repeated appearances this month.  I enjoyed watching them trying to jump (Littlest still doesn't really leave the floor but she sure tries hard) and teaching them out to do jumping jacks.  Miss M couldn't quite understand the reasoning behind running in place when you could go somewhere so she chose to run around the game board six times instead.

We played the heart puzzle game before making Valentine cards for our beloved daddies and indulging in a snack time of chocolate zucchini muffins, applesauce and M & Ms while listening to some pretty fun Valentine songs on YouTube (including the one we sang at circle time, a five little hearts finger play).  It was a really fun way to spend the morning.

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