Friday, March 6, 2015

Day One

We had our first group class on the 4th and while it was a little crazy, it was a lot of fun.  Next week should be easier now that I am using poster putty instead of the tape that kept falling down and everything is in a more permanent spot.

Miss M had her two good friends and mom join us.  We had calendar time and introduced the topic of stars.  Everyone liked getting take turns putting numbers or weather pictures up.  We spent some time looking at the theme poster and naming what we saw there.

The art project was a big hit, too (especially the glitter part).  I wrote their initials on the star and they traced with the glue, which seemed to work well for their age group.

While our star wands were drying, we talked about star sizes and colors, then they used flashlights to locate stars taped around the room and we sorted them by color while describing if they were small, medium or large (thanks to LeapFrog Shapeville Park, this was a concept all three already knew and could sing the little jingle).  We also counted them and found that the blue star group was the smallest group.

Due to technical difficulties, I wasn't able to use any of the music during this class but hopefully that will get sorted out this weekend.  I think it will help with rounding them up for circle and has a transition between activities.

All in all, I think it went well and I am excited to do it again on Monday.

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