Sunday, March 20, 2016

The Great Pyramid

What a fun day!  We learned about the Great Pyramid in school.  While I was describing what a pyramid is, Miss M remembered she had seen in a program and promptly decided to build one using the couch cushions.  It wasn't very stable but she enjoyed piling up the pillows and quickly laying down next to her "pyramid" so they could fall on her.  I enjoyed watching her brainstorm which pillows should go where and was happy I didn't try to rein her back into our original activity too quickly.

Next we did some prewriting with the hieroglyphics activity.  I poured salt over the cards and they used their fingers to trace the design, then I gave them paper to try and draw their own versions.  Littlest did circles and the older girls quickly decided they needed to add rainbows and birthday cakes but it was still good practice.

They all really enjoyed stamping the rectangle bricks on the pyramid structure.  I opted to use the salt that was left over from the previous project instead of opening the bag of sand included in the materials.  That will get placed in our general art materials for something else.

Our weather has been so weird lately, one day warm and the next cold and blustery.  The girls had been cooped up for a while and needed to let some energy out so we popped in our beloved Dance N Beats DVD to try out some new routines for a while.  It also gave me a chance to clean up the salt and paint while keeping them engaged in something school related rather than letting them loose in the play area, from which it would be more difficult to get them to come back later.  I have found that Dance N Beats makes a good transition or break for all of us.

That was it for the week, as far as structured school went.  It's been one of those weeks where everything tends to go a little askew (kind of like the picture placement in this post--I cannot for the life of me get that first picture to move where I want it).  I am hoping for a more normal week and looking forward to getting to do more of our units.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a fun day of learning. Using the Dance 'n Beats as a transition is a great idea!
