Sunday, November 1, 2015

Avocados and Bananas

We finished off our In the Orchard unit this week and I thought I'd give a quick recap of the activities we did.

The game board was fun and a great way to review our letters of the month.  The hardest thing for the girls was remembering which direction to move but it was a good learning experience.  We added some difficulty by having them think of a word that started with the letter they rolled on the cube.  We ended up with a lot of octopus and orange because /O/ is a little less common beginning sound in a preschooler's vocabulary.  They enjoyed it and our friend was happy to have her own copy to take home.

Making banana sculptures with the starch noodles was...interesting.  Our friend did not like the texture of the wet noodles and finished quite quickly.  Miss M didn't mind them but wanted to make a smiley face instead.  Littlest thought they were a snack and kept trying to eat them.

We got caught up on our journals and I was very impressed with the way they finished the sentence prompts for most of their pages.  We used green leaves off my potato plant (I need to dig those up at some point...) for some of the number collages and they worked infinitely better than my dried up maple leaves.  Littlest was just happy to color while we worked and has really improved her pencil grip.

We ended with a dance party for about ten minutes.  Dance N Beats is always a hit with these girls, who pick up on the moves faster than I can.  I love that I can pop in the DVD while I make dinner and my kids will be entertained and exercising for the next 20ish minutes.  It's a great program and I'm thinking about getting some extra copies in December to give out as Christmas gifts this year.

We start our transportation unit tomorrow.  I know the girls will love it, Miss M and Littlest both love to play with cars and look for airplanes in the sky.  I'm excited for the special Thanksgiving packet they included.  There is a big turkey I plan to use every day this month to help teach the girls about gratitude.  I'll update you on that later in the month.

Have a great day!

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