Sunday, November 8, 2015

Building Bridges

We learned about bridges and reviewed the number 5 during our second day of school this week.

Miss M loves the math manipulative toys we get every month (so does Littlest but as neither is very good at sharing highly sought after objects yet, they don't play with them together often) so we practiced making groups of five with our new planes and trains and then counted by 5 to twenty several times.  We've never counted by groups yet so we will probably repeat this activity often, counting by 2's and 5's.

The cornstarch noodle bridges were a bigger hit than I expected given the girls' reluctance to touch them after they got wet last time we used them.  Littlest was especially keen on soaking hers and smooshing it onto the craft stick and was quick to snatch a stray noodle if the others weren't watching closely.  At least she wasn't snacking on them this time.  Miss M is in a phase of "do it for me, Mommy" so it took a bit of demonstrating and then hand over hand to convince her that she could dip the noodle in water and put it on her stick but she got the hang of it after a while and starting looking for the colors she needed to make a rainbow.  I couldn't convince any of them to make an arch like in the example but stepping stones count as bridges, too, right?

We also included some of the map activities today so we used our tape roads, stacking cups to stand in for buildings and Little People cars to map out our little town and the girls had a blast driving around on it.  Miss M is nearing the threenager stage and has been throwing more tantrums lately, triggered by causes known only to her so she got to sit out for a bit and calm down while the others played.  I try not to shy away from disciplining in front of other people in the hopes that it will help her learn to regulate her behavior at home and in public.

Lastly, we pulled out our new journals for the month, always a highlight for the girls.  I have a hard time keeping them from doing the whole thing at one sitting and they are completing more of the assignment on their own with no prompting.   Miss M is getting much better at writing an "M" for her name.  She's come a long way since we started this in March.

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