Sunday, November 15, 2015

Littlest School

Miss M has been going to a preschool playgroup on Fridays for three hours for a couple months now and I looked forward to it as an opportunity to spend some good one on one time with Littlest.  Unfortunately it morphed into "get as many errands done with only one kid as possible" time so I decided to make a concerted effort to change that.  Littlest loves it when we do MGT with the big girls and since we generally only get through 3-4 days of curriculum during the week instead of the five provided, I decided to take one of the units and do it just with her after we drop Miss M off.

After dancing her way to the circle time display, she had a marvelous time getting to put up all our date/day/weather icons without having to compete with anyone for the chance.  I counted the numbers we have up on the calendar, told her it was Friday and pointed out the airplanes on the cards (she loves airplanes and will stop whatever she is doing to find one when she hears them passing overhead).  I am not expecting her to start counting or identifying numbers, just giving her some individualized exposure.  I gave her a choice of the sun or clouds for our weather icon and asked her to find the sun, which she did.

We spent some time exploring our world map with a magnifying glass.  She would look for something through the glass, then cover it with the glass and wait for me to name it.  The map has always been a favorite for all the girls so it was especially fun for her to have it all to herself for once.

I decided to do the "Foot" unit with her since she is obsessed with shoes.  She can identify every family members shoes and will bring them to you when it is time to go outside (or to let you know that's what she'd like to do).  We talked about their colors and sizes and where they go on our body. Then she colored the shoe lacing card provided.  I was surprised that she wasn't interested in lacing it today but she did spend a lot of time coloring it.  I handed her new markers and named the color when she indicated she was ready for a new one.  She practiced taking off the caps and asking for help when she couldn't do it herself.

I found an outline online for a simple girl cut out and we carried on with naming body parts as we gave her facial features and glued pompoms on her feet for shoes.  Miss M saw our person when she got home and immediately requested that she get to do it, too.  She added the pilgrim hat she decorated in playgroup.  It wasn't really to scale but she loved her.

We ended our school time by going for a walk around the block.  Well, a walk around half the block and then it turned into getting carried but her legs are short, she's not heavy and she is super cute so I didn't mind in the least.  We did have to go to the store before picking up Miss M from school but at least I got in a good hour and change of dedicated time and that is what I was aiming to do.

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